[Korea Dissertation Series 6]
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Although Wŏnhyo inherited the teachings of Mādhyamika Buddhism, his philosophy is extremely positive due to the influence of Taoism. Contrary to Nāgārjuna, who denied the establishment of all doctrines, Wŏnhyo integrated them into one inclusive system. This sharp contrast between the two philosophers does not mean that their ultimate philosophical goals lie in opposite directions. Rather, their differences are induced by based on their differing hermeneutic concerns. However, it is obvious that Wŏnhyo¡¯s all-comprehensive understanding of Buddhism cannot be explained without a discussion of the influence of Taoism. Wŏnhyo¡¯s hermeneutic perspective itself is established on a thoroughly comprehensive understanding which integrates the two traditions of Indian Buddhism and Taoism."
Acknowledgement / iii
Abbreviations and Explanation Notes / v
Abstract / vii
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two The Question of Language in Early
Buddhism and the Buddha¡¯s Silence
1. How Do We Look at Early Buddhism?¡¦17
2. Liberal and Rational Approaches to Language¡¦28
3. Beyond Language, Beyond Rationalism¡¦35
4. Non-dualism and the Middle Way¡¦43
Chapter Three Truth and Interpretation: Incorporating the Idea of Upaya in the Lotus Sutra (Adharmapund arīka-sutra)
1. The Role of the Lotus Sutra in the Buddhist Tradition¡¦57
2. Metaphysical Presupposition of the Lotus Sutra¡¦67
3. Turning the Three into the One (üåß²Ïýìé): Individual Doctrines and Truth Itself¡¦71
4. Avoiding Dogmatism¡¦81
5. Language, Belief, and Ultimate Truth¡¦84
6. Wonhyo¡¯s Understanding of the Lotus Sutra¡¦92
Chapter Four The Validity and the Limits of Language: Incorporating Madhyamika
1. Madhyamika and Upaya¡¦108
2. Madhyamika and Wonhyo¡¦116
Chapter Five Standing Aloof from Truth and Falsity: Incorporating Taoism
1. Standing Aloof from Truth and Falsity: The Nature of Taoism¡¦134
2. Unification of the Three Teachings (ß²ÎçìéöÈ) and the Pen-mo or Ti-yung Theory (ÜâØÇ ô÷éÄÖå)¡¦139
3. Wonhyo and Taoism¡¦152
4. Taoism and Wonhyo¡¯s Harmonization of Controversy¡¦162
Chapter Six Conclusion
Appendix / 177
Bibliography / 207