[Insight Into Korea 9]
녹색성장 1은 전세계를 휩쓸고 있는 녹색성장의 물결이 등장한 과학적, 경제적, 정치적 배경을 소개하고 지구와 인류의 미래, 산업, 일상생활에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지와, 주요국가들의 대응책을 광범위하고 풍부하게 조감한다. 또한 세계적인 추세인 녹색성장의 기류에 한국의 현 좌표와 역할, 가능성을 진단하고 한국이 나아가야 할 방향과 과제를 제시했다.
녹색성장 1은 19편의 글을 2부로 나누어 묶었다. 1부는 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 국제적 공조의 필요성에 초점을 맞춰 탄소의존을 줄이고 녹색경제를 구현하기 위한 유엔의 글로벌 그린뉴딜(Global Green New Deal) 등의 노력을 소개하고 2부에서는 12개 녹색선진 국가들의 기후변화 대응방안 및 한국과의 협력가능성을 모색했다.
Green Growth (I): Coping with Environmental, Energy and Economic Crises offers a total of 19 articles grouped in two parts. The articles focus on the Korean government’s plans to secure the political, social, institutional and technological foundations needed for the new growth model. The first part focuses on the need for concerted global efforts to address climate change. It introduces the Global Green New Deal, a proposal by the United Nations Environment Programme that countries invest 1 percent of their GDP into green sectors over the next two years to create the critical mass of investment needed to reduce carbon dependency and to make the global economy greener. The second part introduces climate change efforts in a dozen advanced countries and discusses the avenues of cooperation in green sectors between them and Korea.
Notable contributors to the first volume include U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon; Danish Minister for Climate and Energy Connie Hedegaard and Russell Read, former chief investment officer of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). The book also offers lengthy e-mail interviews with three world-renowned experts on climate change: Edward B. Barbier, John S. Bugas Professor of Economics at the University of Wyoming Christopher B. Field, professor of biology and environmental earth system science at Stanford University and Peter Lund, professor at Helsinki University of Technology in Finland.
The unique aspect of the book is that ambassadors from a dozen advanced countries were invited to write an essay on green growth for it. The diplomats, including Brian McDonald, ambassador of the European Commission Delegation in Korea, explain how their countries have been addressing climate change and suggest the areas in which they can cooperate with Korea.
1. Global Green New Deal
Power green growth, protect the planet…Ban Ki-moon
Going green is moving forward…Connie Hedegaard
World faces increasingly dire climate risks…Henry Shinn
Global Green New Deal…Henry Shinn
Green New Deal and the world economy…Russell Read
World should rely more on green energy…Henry Shinn
Who should pay for climate change?…Vladimir Hlasny
2. Green Growth in Advanced Countries
International community must be ambitious in combating climate change…Brian McDonald
Taking a step forward in climate protection…Norbert Baas
Green partnership between France and Korea…Philippe Thiebaud
Sweden pioneers holistic urban development…Lars Vargo
Much to admire in U.K. green approach…Martin Uden
Japan on forefront of green revolution…Toshinori Shigeie
Norway a leader in fighting climate change…Didrik Tonseth
Austria set for ‘reen cooperation’with Korea…Wilhelm Donko
Environmental tradition of alpine country…Philipp Stalder and Frederic Barthassat
Can a quiet energy giant feed an Asian tiger…Ted Lipman
Working with Australia to fight climate change…Stephanie Aeuckens
Green building is not a fad but industry trend…Tom Hicks