[Insight Into Korea 5]
Korean Wave is intended to offer a firsthand account of the amazing spread of Korean popular culture to Asian countries and beyond. For this, the book relies on a group of foreign journalists and scholars who each wrote an essay on the Korean pop‐culture fever in their own countries. They show that, although the Korean Wave has weakened in some parts of Asia, it will never die out because Korean popular culture has embedded itself into everyday life in many Asian countries. Korean Wave is meant to contribute to the fostering of an Asian cultural community. Korean dramas, movies, music, fashion and food have enabled people from different Asian countries to share a common cultural experience, catalyzing the potential emergence of a single Asian identity. It is hoped that this book strengthens that identity, creating a fertile ground for the evolution of the Korean Wave into an Asian Wave.
한국 대중문화가 아시아나 그 외 국가에 급속도로 퍼지는 현상을 기술한 책으로, 외국 저널리스트와 학자들이 그들의 나라에 퍼진 한국 대중문화 열풍에 대해 쓴 에세이들을 엮어 놓았다.
비록 한류가 아시아의 몇몇 국가에서는 약화되고 있지만, 이미 한국 대중문화가 많은 아시아 국가의 일상생활에 깊이 파고들었기 때문에 결코 사라지지 않을 것이라는 점을 강조한다. 한류는 아시아 문화 공동체를 활성화하는 데 기여했다. 특히 한국 드라마, 영화, 음악, 패션, 그리고 음식은 다른 아시아 국가 사람들이 공통된 문화 경험을 나눌 수 있게 해주고 단결된 아시아인의 정체성이 잠재적으로 출현하는 데 촉매작용을 했다. 이러한 정체성은 한류가 아시아 열풍으로 발전할 수 있는 기반이 될 수 있을 것이다.
Why are Asians attracted to Korean pop culture?
1. Korean Wave in Asia and Beyond
'Koreanovelas' fever is sweeping the Philippines
Tasting the mirage-like Korean Wave
Thailand's teen troops welcome K-pop idols
The Korean Wave 'will never die' in Vietnam
'Delicious' boys lead Hallyu in Indonesia
Korean culture is part of Hong Kong life
Malaysia's love affair with Korean TV dramas
Korean dramas carve a niche in Japan
Pop culture bridges Korea and Singapore
China's first taste of the Korean Wave
The Korean Wave fascinates Mongolians
The Korean Wave: Shining star or black hole?
The Korean Wave brings drama to the Nile Delta
The Korean Wave spreads to Iran
Whetting U.S. appetite for Korean TV dramas
The Korean Wave: A view from America's shores
The Korean Wave: A washout on Australian shores
The Korean Wave arrives in Latin America
Hallyu in Argentina: Weak today, stronger tomorrow?
Spain discovers Korea and cries out for more
No Wave, just a Korean breeze in Poland
2. The Future of the Korean Wave
The Korean Wave and Korean-Americans
Korean pop culture's growing challenges
Identity politics of contemporary Korean cinema
Hallyu: The Koreanization of world culture
The Korean Wave needs new strategies to solidify position in Asia
3. Key Players of the Korean Wave
Bae Yong-joon: The image of Korea
Rain seeks to make his name in Hollywood
Musicals will become a part of Hallyu
Ryu Si-won: It's all about adapting to Japan
Producer believes in the power of good storytelling
First-generation Hallyu star continues to shine
The Korean Wave in trouble?
Hallyu's ebbing tide slows film industry
Hallyu icon Park Yong-ha basks in newfound stardom
Hallyu star carries torch for next generation
Hallyu helps Korea polish national image